Sunday, December 4, 2011

My thoughts exactly...

Today has been a great day. Why you may ask has it been a great day? Well let me tell you...
#1 Hannah slept until 7:00
#2 Hayden, Austin, and Wyatt played all morning without fighting!!!!! (huge success)
#3 We made it to church with 10 minutes to spare.
#4 I had 2 wonderful helpers sitting behind me that gave Hannah some lovin' and gave 2 of the boys some much needed distraction!
#5 I got to sit by Colby in RS for a short time!
#6 I got to listen to Colby give the lesson in RS. I am so thankful for a husband that motivates me to be better.
#7 We came home and the boys worked together to change their clothes...again with no fighting!
#8 Our house is quiet right now while 4 kiddos are taking Sunday naps. Who cares if it is almost 5:00!!!
#9 Colby will be home from church soon!
#10 We get to listen to President Monson during the Christmas devotional tonight.
I hope that you are all having a great day too!

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